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Wheel of the Year

Live & Virtual Temple

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LITHA - Apex and/or Zoom

LAMMAS - Pittsboro and/or Zoom

MABON - Apex and/or Zoom

SAMHAIN - Pittsboro and/or Zoom

NOTICE: Circles will be Livestream on Zoom until further notice. Preregistration is required.

Sundays 5:30 pm - 6:30pm

This is an open invitation for our local and virtual communities to co-create and in union hold sacred space for one another as we are called into a time of cultural shifts that empower and bravely bare the soft belly of the divine feminine.


We are meeting on the earth-based seasonal holidays of the Wheel of the Year, alternating between our sister studios of Yoga Garden in Apex and Pittsboro.


Our time together includes gentle movement, meditation, yoga nidra, music, readings, and sharing our voices with one another in the spirit of confidential, safe communication and support.


Sessions also include a short lecture & discussion, seasonal correspondences and ritual suggestions, creating sacred space, mantras, mudras, and more! These rich non-denominational, mystical teachings and practices help to foster growth and add depth and dimension to your own spirituality and empowerment, while honoring the seasons of mother earth as well as our own internal cycles.
All are welcome to participate in any way that feels right in this safe and healing space. Our structure will be fluid, nourishing and supportive for all who are feeling the call to align with the power of the goddess within all us.

Donation-based program. Preregistration requested.


Donations will be gratefully accepted, a portion of which will funnel back into local non-profits that support women and their families. For information, please email us at

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